In order to comply with the provisions contained in article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, we provide you with the following general information data:

Name or company name: Masia Angela S.L.

Registered office: Pla de Donat, 106 46940 – Manises (Valencia) Spain

CIF: B98590623

Telephone: 636 993 500


Applicable legislation

This Legal Notice is governed in each and every one of its extremes by Spanish law, the parties expressly waiving the jurisdiction that corresponds to them, and submitting to the Courts of Valencia.

Intellectual and Industrial Property

All contents of this website, including without limitation, texts, graphics, images, its design and the intellectual property rights that may correspond to said contents, as well as all trademarks, trade names or any other distinctive sign are property. of this entity, all rights over them being reserved.

Any act of reproduction of the contents, in whole or in part, in any form or means, be it mechanical, electronic, reprographic or other, is prohibited, as well as any act of dissemination, public communication or distribution, without the prior written authorization of this entity.

This entity will not be responsible for any damages or losses that may arise from the use of the contents by the users or the infringement by them of any current legal provision.


This entity does not assume any responsibility for the external links that, if applicable, could be included in the portal, since it does not have any type of control over them, so the user accesses the content and conditions under their exclusive responsibility. of use that govern them.

Social networks

The information we collect through social media sometimes includes personal information that is available online and to the public. We always ensure that all information we use is correctly attributed to its source or made anonymous.

These social networks likely have their own privacy policies, which will explain how they use and share your personal information. We recommend that you carefully review their privacy policies before using these social networks to make sure you are happy with the way your personal information is collected and shared.

This entity may modify or delete the messages broadcast on the channel at any time and without prior notice.

This entity can follow other profiles on the social network, without this fact implying any type of connection with them.

The use of social networks by this entity as an information channel does not imply approval of its Privacy Policy.

This entity does not communicate or share personal information of users who access these media, adopting all appropriate security measures provided by the social network.